College Rules and Regulations
Every student who undergoes any course of study in UG or PG or research programme should abide by the following rules and regulations laid down by the College.
1. Attendance
The student should be punctual to the classes and regular in attendance.
For genuine reasons students can avail leave, by applying in advance in the prescribed form and must be recommended by the staff Advisor / Class Teacher. Day scholars should get their leave applications duly attested by their parents or guardians. All leave applications should be addressed to the Principal routed through the HOD and get sanctioned before availing the leave.
Any student found absent without applying for leave is liable to be punished. If such absence is for a week, his name will be removed from the Attendance Register.
On Duty applications should be submitted in advance.
Each student has to put in a minimum attendance of 75% of the total number of working days of the college to be eligible for appearing to the Semester Examinations.
Students who do not have the required percentage of attendance will not be allowed to go to the next semester.
2. Dress code
Students should attend the college with the prescribed dress code of white shirt and white dhoti or white pant.
Using Identity card with tag is compulsary.
3. Daily Assembly and Weekly Prayer Meetings
All students should attend daily assembly, weekly prayer meetings, functions, association meetings and all other activities of the college and be disciplined on all occasions.
4. Community work
Community work is an integral part of the college life. All students should participate in community work inside and outside the campus.
5. Students’ progress in studies
Students’ progress will be assessed periodically by assignments, tests and seminars. The mark sheets along with student profile of each semester will be given to the students in the presence of the parents only.
6. Organizing activities
Students can organize association activities in their respective departments with the approval of the Head of the Department and Principal. However students should not organize meetings or entertainments and collect money for any purpose in the college or hostel without prior permission of the Principal.
7. Submission of undertaking
At the time of admission the parent or guardian of the student should give an undertaking that he/she has clearly understood the rules and regulations of the college and if his/her son/ward misbehaves, he/she shall abide by the disciplinary action taken by the Principal.
8. Disciplinary action against the students
The Principal has the right to suspend or dismiss any student at any time from the college for any one of the following reasons:
Indulging in ragging, eve-teasing and any such misbehavioural activities amount to Ragging and Punishment.
Indifference towards studies.
Non-observance of college rules and regulations.
Indiscipline any activity amounting to anywhere in the college campus or hostel.
Disrespect towards the staff and the college authorities.
Non-payment of college fees and other dues.
Non-submission of assignment, record note books, project reports etc., in time.
Negligence of community social service activity, daily prayer, common bhajans etc.
Unsatisfactory progress of scholarship holders.
Irregularity in attendance.
Use of mobile phones and tablet in the campus.
Ours is a tobacco free campus. Hence tobacco use in any form is also prohibited.
(Activities related to Ragging and punishment details are given below)
Teasing, Embarrassing and humiliating;
Assaulting or Approaching with Criminal Attitude;
Wrongfully Restraining or Confining of Causing Hurt;
Causing Grievous Hurt, Kidnapping or Rape or Committing Unnatural Offence; and
Causing Death or Abetting Suicide.
Now Govt. of Tamil Nadu has banned ragging in educational institution by passing Government Order.
Hence, any one indulging in ragging will be punished as follows :
Imprisonment upto a term of 3 years and
A fine upto Rs.25,000/- and
Student convicted for Ragging will be dismissed from the Institution and shall not be admitted to any other educational institution.
Hence, students are advised not to indulge in ragging, but to rise up totally against this evil.
9. Laboratory Rules
Students will be responsible for tools or apparatus placed in their charge. Any damage or loss has to be made good by the students concerned.
10. Payment of College fees
All fees should be paid within the first eight working days of each semester. After which a fine of Re.1/- per working day will be levied for another 8 working days. If the fee is not paid with fine even within that eight days, the name of the defaulter will be struck off the rolls. Fees once paid will not be refunded, if the student withdraws from the course after the last date of admission.
11. Scholarships and fee concessions
The following scholarships and fee concession are available for the students. Students can avail any one of the scholarships, in an academic year.
Both UG & PG students are eligible for fee concessions under rule 92 of Tamil Nadu Educational rules. They should produce necessary income certificates. Fee concession application can be had after the candidate has been enrolled in the college.
Residential and non residential scholarships awarded by the Government of Tamil Nadu and Government of India to backward classes and scheduled caste are also available to deserving students.